Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Onboarding vs Orientation - what's the difference?

Here's an interesting article that talks about the difference between Onboarding and Orientation. How is your organization using Onboarding to engage YOUR new employees?

Onboarding has become a human resources buzzword but it seems as if many people confuse it with orientation. The two are similar, but very different. In fact, I suggest that orientation is simply one small piece of onboarding. While orientation is an introduction to a new job and some of the nuances of the organization, onboarding is an entire process designed to immerse a new employee into the vision and culture of your company.

Engagement occurs more quickly and the process is also designed to assist in retention by making sure the employee aligns with the organization’s goals and wants to stay.

Onboarding is proving extremely valuable in many areas where human resources is currently challenged such as engagement, workforce optimization, and retention. Successful onboarding programs result in an employee who is excited by their role, anxious to begin and feels valued for what they can bring to the table. In other words, the employee becomes engaged quickly which results in a higher level of production in a much quicker timeframe.

Recent research shows that employees decide shortly after they are hired how long they plan to stay at your company. Anything you can do to make sure they feel welcome and valued from the day they are offered a position is going to lengthen the time they choose to stay with you.

Another benefit of an effective onboarding strategy from the date of hire is the effect it has on counteroffers made by their current company. If a candidate is offered a role and you maintain contact with them in a very positive and welcoming way while they are deciding, they are more likely to view the offer of a raise from their employer in a new light. Instead of thinking that they just earned a raise, they are more likely to question why they weren’t more valuable to the organization yesterday. They will also feel great about accepting a job for a company that is already showing that they value the talent they are hiring.

Once a role is accepted, reiterating over and over in many meaningful ways that the employee made the right choice will do wonders for your engagement and retention rates.

Does your organization have an onboarding process in place? Have you seen this affect your production and retention rates? If you don’t have a process established, do you see the need for one and are there plans to create one?July 2, 2010 by Jen Turi, CareerCurve

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