Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"I don't have the time!"

What did your mother always tell you? You make time to do the things you want to do. If it is important, you will find the time to do it. If you want to inspire someone and show real appreciation, you will find the time. (And, when you think about it, how much time do you need to write a thank-you note or say “thanks!” Not much!)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Give Meaning. Reap Results

New research from U-Penn’s Wharton School finds that employees who know their work has a meaningful, positive impact on others are not just happier, but vastly more productive, too.

According to the study, whether it’s face-to-face contact with customers, or connecting with colleagues from other departments, when individuals understand the difference their job makes to clients or to their organization it increases employee effort 20% and in some instances 100%.

Taking time to publicly share appreciation and relating an employee’s actions to the mission of the company can have the same effect. Take a moment this month to share the impact each of your valuable employees has on your organization.

Call your Baltimore Team for ideas for your recognition solutions: 410-661-5668 or email